Courses I have taught
- McGill University: Biology 111 - Introductory Biology (1X)
- McGill University: Biology 331 - Ecology/Behaviour Field Course (2X)
- Taught at the Mt St Hilaire field station in mid August
- McGill University: Biology 310 - Large-scale ecology (2X)
- A new course for U2-U3 students. This is an introductory course that matches up nicely with Biol 308
We cover topics like landscape ecology, global patterns of productivity and biodiversity, macroecology, climate change and paleoecology. Math requirements
are the ability to understand 2-D graphs. There will be one field trip.
- UofA: RNR 316 - Natural Resources Ecology - upper level majors course surveying ecology
- MSU FWS 581/McGill Biology 583/UA RNR 614 - Advanced Biometry (3X)
- A new course that will cover advanced statistical concepts that are needed by graduate students in ecology and evolution. These include issues like experimental design
multivariate and modern regression, spatial and timeseries data and much more.
- UofA: RNR 598 - Large Scale Ecology Reading Seminar