Current lab members
- Peter White (McGill)
- is a PhD student working on macroecology of boreal and Monteregian forests
- Richard Feldman (McGill)
- is a PhD student working on the dynamics of species ranges in hummingbirds
- Julie Messier (McGill, UofA)
- finished her MSc with me at McGill studying functional traits of trees in Panama. She is now doing her PhD with me working on functionl traits in temperate trees
- John Donoghue (UofA)
- is a PhD student working on ecoinformatics and biodiversity
Lab alumni
- Volker Bahn (McGill)
- was a Postdoc in the lab working on a variety of issues related to species ranges
and habitat modeling. He now has a tenure track position at Wright State
- Sergio Estrada (McGill)
- finished an MSc on how bat communities are structured along an environmental gradient in Panama